The “Minimum” Textpattern theme was written in 2012 by user stefan (link); however, the demo site’s domain has gone offline. Github user jools-r forked the theme and made some necessary improvements (Github link). Starting from 2024.11.14, this site uses a customised version of the revised Minimum theme.
Minimum theme for Textpattern CMS by Stephan Hochhaus.
A huge thank you goes to Amit Varia, who inspired this theme as well as Phil Wareham, who added a great deal of magic touch.
Minimum is a minimal theme that focuses on enabling you to publish your writings. The following are not supported out of the box but feel free to add them as required:
- use comments
- use categories, sections or tags
- use article images (technically you can use images inside articles, just no article image)
- include a contact form
- hook up to social networks or have sharing buttons
- show off a massive link collection
Minimum is a theme that lets you write. It embraces the golden ratio. What else would you need?
Getting up and running is a breeze. Minimum 1.4 upwards works on Textpattern 4.7.×.
- Place the entire minimum folder in the themes folder of your textpattern directory.
- Visit Presentation › Themes and import the minimum theme from the drop-down.
- Visit Presentation › Sections and switch the theme used to “minimum”.
Populating the slide-out drawer
In order to make the most of your shiny new slide-out drawer (introduced in version 1.2) you should do the following:
- Create a new section called about (the actual title may vary, just make sure name is about)
- Create a new article with an excerpt about yourself, and publish it in the about section
- You can also assign an optional article image to the about article – dimensions are 64×64 pixels (if you wish to have a HiDPI image then load it into Textpattern at 128×128 pixels, it will be scaled down accordingly). It will only be displayed in the slide-out drawer!
- Create a new link category called social-media
- Create as many links as you like and assign them to the category social-media
- If you wish, you can also directly edit the content of the form minimum_drawer to suit your own needs
More Information
Have a look at (currently unavailable) for some more information about the theme.
PS: Since Minimum is so limited in what it does, changing most preference settings does not have much of an effect. It is, however, suggested that you have nice URLs (/article should be just fine) and disable the comments.
- v1.4.1 – Minor additions
- Search results
- Removal of some deprecated tags
- Updated links and credits
- v1.4 – Update for Textpattern v4.7.
- Files reorganised and renamed
- Included javascript from CDNs updated
- Google Plus removed (as closed down by Google)
- Minor modifications
- Plugins no longer needed